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Bison 8.6" Low Profile 3-Jaw Flange Mount Scroll chuck
Model Number 9416


B B1 E
F G H J K L M S N x J WT.(kg)
11.4" 8.6" 2.5" .866" 1.77" 3.14" 2.30' .374" 1.06" .669" .472" - .433" 3 23.5


  • A milling fixture in the form of a scroll lathe chuck with 2 piece jaws, integrated with the base.
  • Depending on the adaption, it can be used on milling machine tables, t-towers, drill tables, or surface grinders.
  • It has a mechanism drive from the front of the fixture, you can use a standard wrench with a spring or a ratchet knob with a cap.
  • The fixture is sealed against chips, the center by a cover, and the guides by extra teeth on the jaw.
  • It has two locating keys and 4 recesses for fastening screws to be fixed to the table/tower/pallet.  It is possible to attach it by the flange of the fixture with toe clamps to the machine table.
  • The fixture is low profile, which is and advantage for machine tools with a short z-axis travel, because it does not limit the machine's movements like a chuck with a base.
  • when the profile is as low as possible, standard 3200 soft jaw blanks can be used and shaped accordingly.

QCS Workholding LLC
10635 Tower Oaks Blvd. Suite E
Houston  Texas   77070
Phone  281-664-1020     Fax   281-664-1026

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